Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Negative Effects Of Cell Phones - 1318 Words

The use of cellular devices has paved the way of communication for personal, business, and long distance communication making people reachable in a matter of seconds. Even though these advances are helpful and sometimes makes life a lot easier there are problems that can occur. Researchers have come to the conclusion that there is a strong correlation between the usage of cell phones and personal health. Studies show that cell phones emit radiofrequency energy, which is a form of electromagnetic radiation and it is proven that radiation exposure to the human body is hazardous. Technology has its ups and downs, with that being said cell phones are a good example of how sometimes advancements can be good and bad. Yes, cell phones have a lot†¦show more content†¦Cell phones are now being used at a younger age than ever before. Scientist think with this generation we will see the real effects of long-term cell phone use. With kids being exposed to phones at an earlier age than n ormal they will have much more time to use phones and may allow scientist to finally get the results they need to conduct a meaningful experiment. The American Cancer Society does encourage cell phone users to use headphones to avoid putting the phone up close to your head. Thus, reducing the radiation that can be absorbed by the tissue that is located in your head. However, they do believe kids are at a higher risk of getting sick from cellphones because when they are so young their nerves have not fully developed yet and it could cause them to be more vulnerable to factors of cancer (Naeem). For example, the SAR, or Specific Absorption Rate levels of some of the most include but are not limited to; the iPhone 8 plus giving off 1.19%, iPhone 8 1.20%, iPhone 7 plus 1.19%, iPhone 7 1.20%, Galaxy S8 1.55%, Galaxy S7 1.59% (Highest†¦). The SAR is the rate at which the body tissue absorbs the radiation from the cell phone. In the past two decades, phones have gotten a lot more popu lar than they were at first (Highest†¦). Phones play a more integral role in this generation because people are not able to go a day or a whole class period without checking their phone.Show MoreRelatedNegative Effects of Cell Phones1731 Words   |  7 Pagestask easier. A cell phone is a type of technology that is a common thing to see in everyday life. The world and the people in it have gotten used to this technology. Cell phones are making the lives of an estimated two hundred sixty five million Americans (Natterson 103) and three billion worldwide (Natterson 103), easier. As useful as cell phones may be, there are negative effects in over using cell phones. Cell phone technology was first developed in the 1980’s, but cell phones became common inRead MoreNegative Effects Of Cell Phones1465 Words   |  6 Pagestremendously. Almost everyone has had a cell phone since middle school age, or even younger. People spend an average of five hours on their phones a day from recent studies (Perez, 2017). Cell phones are a means of communicating with people more often and faster. The average cell phone user spends two hours a day using them. This shows that out of all the down time people have from school, jobs, or other activities, they are usually going to be on their cell phones. Almost everyone is addicted to havingRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Cell Phones717 Words   |  3 Pages In todays technological era we rely heavily on technology, from our phones all the way to our Smart Tvs. However, peoples need to bring their smartphones with them everywhere they go has started to become a problem regarding the way we connect with other s. We need better cell phone etiquette because without it the way people intermingle could completely change in a negative way. A lack of a stricter cell phone etiquette has led people to stop interacting with each other, live their lives throughRead MoreNegative Effects Of Cell Phones1005 Words   |  5 Pagesthat were involved by the cause of having a cell phone. Mobile device has a great impact in the human race, by advancing in technology and causing harm in lives. Cell phone etiquette is not disrespecting a person by discarding the conversation and getting on the phone. Today’ s modern world people all around the planet have a cellular device, but do people really know how to use a cell phone? Why do teachers get so frustrated when a student is on their phone while there lecturing? People all aroundRead MoreNegative Effects Of Cell Phones707 Words   |  3 PagesAlmost everyone in the world owns a cell phone. In previous years, mobile devices did not exist. Surprising ly, people would have to use their house phone that everyone in their family shared or they would have to wait until they could the person and talk to them face to face. But, our technology just keeps getting better. Cell phones allow people to communicate quicker and easier that they have become apart of people’s everyday lives. Sadly, there are many negative affects of always having our mobileRead MoreNegative Effects Of Cell Phones1192 Words   |  5 PagesIn this day and age, more than half of the worlds population owns and uses cell phones. It is a well-known fact that cell phones emit low doses of radiation each time one is used, however, people tend to brush it off and not think about the long-term effects it may have. Its only small doses, what harm can come from it? That is a question us cell phone users may ask ourselves, yet never really look into or research. Maybe its because we choose not to know the actual truth and just focus on theRead MoreNegative Effects O f Cell Phones1100 Words   |  5 Pagescreated the thing that runs the lives of many ---- a cell phone. For those living under a rock, cell phones are portable telephones that requires cellular network (ATT, Verizon and Tmobile) to make and receive phone calls. For the first time ever, a generation of kids are going through their adolescence with smartphones. As stated by Pew Research Center, â€Å"75% of 12-17 year-olds now own cell phones, up from 45% in 2004† (Lenhart 1). As cell phones advanced over the years, the increase of adolescenceRead MoreNegative Effects of Cell Phone of Society1609 Words   |  7 PagesSteve Sheridan Professor Simakowicz 1st Draft Paper 13 April 2010 â€Å"Do Cell Phones Help or Hinder Society?† Times have changed tremendously in the last twenty five years in regards to how the world communicates with each other. The birth of new technology such as cell phones with internet capability, laptop computers, and even the recently released I-Pad has made communication with anyone outside of talking distance immediately accessible. Even though to many people this seems like a movement in theRead MoreNegative Effects Of Texting And Cell Phones894 Words   |  4 PagesTexting and cell phones have, of all age groups, likely affected kids the most. In one way, it has made young kids more socially awkward. These kids are being raised having more communication on social media portals and by texting much more often than face to face interaction. This problem will only get worse as we progress into the future. Children that are raised being able to front their problems and meet new people by using a phone will greatly lack the ability to deal with problems face to faceRead MoreNegative Ef fects Of Technology On Cell Phones807 Words   |  4 PagesWith the growth of new technology, society is becoming too dependent on cell phones. Although communication and information may be important over a screen, it may take away from interaction in society. Overuse can cause negative side effects when it is not available as well as take away the overall experience of life itself. Cellular technology has contributed to negative and positive factors. It is best to view each side and understand how to best use it for a healthy lifestyle. To begin with,

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