Friday, December 27, 2019

Free Speech Freedom Of Speech - 1689 Words

Benjamin Franklin once said, â€Å"Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty, without freedom of speech.† With this quote in mind, freedom of speech should surely be guaranteed right in a every institution. There are various forms of free speech to powerful speeches at a peaceful protest to a girl posting a selfie. Freedom of speech is the key concept that is basis of every human right. This inherent right should be protected and supported in a place where young minds are developing. As political tensions have risen, so have the tensions on college campuses. Because of the fear of hate speech and harassment colleges have now implement Free Speech codes. As according to Foundation for†¦show more content†¦Limiting any free speech diminishes the quality of education a person receives. Free speech is not censored in the real world and students need to understand how to deal and grow with a variety of ideas. As Professor Clay Calvert, the Director of the Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project in the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications noted, â€Å"the primary purpose of universities and colleges is to advance the open discussion of ideas, does so by acting as a marketplace of ideas, where ideas compete.† The marketplace of ideas theory is a free market, terrible ideas will bad ideas will be second to good ideas in the long run, as good ideas will become more popular and common. The marketplace in a way like a real market . People can buy, sell, and trade their ideas. The buyers at this market being us can decide, which ideas have value and which do not. This can also go further to which ideas are truthful and false. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes notes the need of â€Å"the free trade of ideas† for the development of a democratic society. How do we expect students who only listened to one perspective to make it in the real world. They will not be able to conform other adults to one view. Students will have to deal with a variety of ideas and are going to have to learn how to deal with each one. The second effect of free speech is the loss of diversity. WhenShow MoreRelatedFree Speech : Freedom Of Speech1403 Words   |  6 PagesFREE SPEECH Freedom of speech is perhaps the most precious tenets of liberal democracies accorded to the citizens of the free world. The United States, and the rest of the Western society is known to be the cradle of democratic principles, and this can be evidenced by the level of freedom accorded to the citizens of the United States and the West in terms of speech. The freedom of speech gives an individual an opportunity to speak his or her mind and also give his or her opinion, sometimes on veryRead MoreSpeech Free Speech On The Freedom Of Speech1380 Words   |  6 Pagesmake no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This freedom of speech clause as included in the First Amendment guarantees the citizens of America to express information and ideas freely. But is all form of speech free? On the most basic level, this clause allows for the expression of an opinionRead MoreFree Speech Or Freedom Of Speech Essay911 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction America is known as The Land of Freedom, basically we are entitled for legal freedom to do whatever we wanted to. However, the freedom of speech has been challenged by many university students and educators recently. In their argument, they believe that free speech has triggered students’ unhappiness and jeopardize campus’ safety. What is the free speech or freedom of speech? According to dictionary, freedom of speech is the right of people to express their opinions publicly withoutRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech1180 Words   |  5 PagesFree speech shall not incite evil and hatred in this country. The First Amendment prevents the government from infringing upon our freedom of assembly and speech. â€Å"The disability is so complete that Congress is expressly forbidden to enact laws respecting an establishment of religion, or laws abridging the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and press, and the right to petition the government† (Bybee). As a whole, our founding fathers only had good intentions with regards to First AmendmentRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech1786 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction Freedom of speech is a right of every American that is protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. This democratic freedom allows citizens to speak and express themselves freely. Public school teachers and students are also free to express themselves, however they can both be limited by school administration. The goal of this paper is to analyze free speech as defined by the First Amendment and discussed limitations placed on teachers and students by schoolsRead MoreFree Speech On Freedom Of Speech1929 Words   |  8 Pagesthe use of hate speech on college campuses. These limitations on free speech strike at the heart of law and justice within our society. To tolerate these restrictions sets dangerous precedents and unveils dangerous consequences. Speech codes that limit speech and expression beyond the limits of the first amendment are not justified because they harm society and the intellectual integrity of a university while failing to adequately suppor t those students victimized by hate speech. Colleges play anRead MoreFree Speech : Freedom Of Speech1889 Words   |  8 PagesFreedom of Speech The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of speech among other valued standards. The First Amendment states that â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceable to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances† (U. S. Constitution). What does it mean by â€Å"Congress shall make no law†¦abridgingRead MoreFreedom Of Speech : Free Speech1296 Words   |  6 PagesFreedom Of Speech In 399 B.C, the Greek Philosopher Socrates was persecuted for an early argument promoting free speech. Later on, The Protection of Speech was first introduced when the Magna Carta was signed in 1215, and in 1948, the United Nations stated that free speech is a human right and drafted into the international Declaration of Human rights.The government doesn t have the right to make a law abridging the freedom of speech because Free Speech is a form of democracy and it s a fundamentalRead MoreFreedom Of Speech And Free Speech1737 Words   |  7 Pages Freedom of Speech can only go so far before it starts to impede the right of the others, and free speech does not come before other people’s given rights.. According to Steven J. Heyman in the article â€Å"Free Speech Has Limits,† freedom of speech comes tied together with respecting the freedom of other and the rights of other people (par. 4). The author goes on to say that cutting off other peoples rights in the name of free speech can be seen as wrongful and can be faced with consequences (parRead MoreFree Speech Freedom Of Speech886 Words   |  4 Pagesunlike any other. The issue? Free speech. Protesters from both sides of the the political spectrum are outraged. leftists claiming that free speech is â€Å"being used as a cover for spreading hate in America†, that people like the infamous Yiannopoulos (a conservative political commentator known for making offensive statements and supporting â€Å"white supremacy, transphobia, and misogyny†) are do ing harm with their first amendment right, while conservatives are claiming free speech is being threatened by the

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dora Essay - 1003 Words

Sigmund Freud’s, Dora The case analysis written by Sigmund Freud, his patient; Dora, goes through different levels of mental sickness. Throughout the case study Dora reveals her issues that lie within her family. Through the case study, Sigmund Freud who is chosen to diagnose Dora’s symptoms reveals his own hypothesis. Within the narrative Dora’s dream, exemplifies causation and motif in order to shed light on the way Dora views herself within her family. Symbolism and dream analysis portrays the various ways the emotions are impacting Dora and her family. Within the case study, the relationship between Dora and her mother is evident within her dream; â€Å"I don’t know. I don’t in the least know how Mother comes into the dream; she was†¦show more content†¦The term causation is evident within this passage, because of the family friend; Frau. K, attacking Dora, within her dream her father did the opposite and was put in charge of her jewel case and anything that is suppose to happen to her jewel case her father should be responsible; â€Å"a danger from which your father is saving you† (Freud, 62). Her imagination of what her father would have done, and that was to protect her jewel case. As a result, the relationship between her father and herself is a distant one. Therefore the causation and motif comes into effect with the father because the motif was a symbol of Dora’s safety, since the cause of her father who did not protect her, this evidently caused their relationship to be in turmoil. Evid ently; Herr. K, the father’s friend does show up within Dora’s dream. While analyzing Dora and her symptoms, Freud discovered that Herr K has in fact developed feelings for the young Dora; â€Å"Herr K. had made me a present of an expensive jewel-case a little time before† (Freud, 61). The motif of the jewel-case within this passage is one that symbolizes the affection that Herr K has for Dora. She was worried that her jewel-case being presented in the dream to Herr K was in danger of being â€Å"robbed†, this is evidently why she goes back to blaming her father, using someone to put all the blame on. Freud’s explanation toShow MoreRelatedIs Dora The Explorer?1329 Words   |  6 PagesIntro Dora Marquez, also known as Dora the Explorer, a young heroine of the very popular television show is a bilingual seven year old who guides her way through rocky terrain with her trusty talking backpack and map. One would never come to the conclusion immediately, but Dora is the ultimate entrepreneur (Winston, 2006). She is able to mobilize herself, going on venture after venture, and overcoming any bump in her line of passage. It is time for D-D-Dora. The popular animated TV show is targetedRead MoreFreud and Dora Essay1017 Words   |  5 Pageswhat they are thinking most of the time. In the case of Dora, Freud would conclude that she was sexually attracted to her father, his mistress, and the husband of her fathers mistress subconsciously. In doing this, some people see Freud as a pioneer in the science of psychoanalysis. However, Freud is far from what most people consider to be scientific in both his methods and the facts he uses as evidence. Freud applies his theories to Dora and her case of hysteria; but he does it in such a wayRead MoreDora, By Jhumpa Lahiri Essay1226 Words   |  5 Pageshasn’t seen them in a while, that’s all.† Even though she has had multiple chances to talk to Dora and her parents about the war in Pakistan and the impacts it had on Mr.Pirzada, she doesn’t bring up the issue or try to inform them about it. This is because Lilia didn’t try to history of her motherland until she met Mr. Pirzada, thus she knows Dora won’t be interested or can relate to the issue as Dora is an American. Jhumpa Lahiri critiques both modern contemporary Americans and immigrants for theirRead MoreDora The Star : Swiper, No Swiptr1073 Words   |  5 PagesCNSMPTN On the channel Nickelodeon Junior, there is a popular kids show called Dora the Explorer. Boots, Dora’s companion, helps Dora on her educational Spanish adventures and aids her in warding off the sneaky fox, Swiper. When I worked at Nickelodeon some three years ago, I was the storyboard director, and oversaw many episodes of Dora being made every day. This included going to screenings of new episodes. Every time I watched an episode, we had to give it a rating out of ten- and all the episodesRead MorePablo Picasso : The Best And Most Influential Artists Of The 20th Century1583 Words   |  7 Pageshe does with most women in his paintings. The split in her head makes her seem less human and more of an object that Picasso manipulates. Eventually, Picasso’s craving for sex further affected his personal life, as he found a new object of desire in Dora Maar, the next in his string of mistresses and wives. Marie-Therese Walter deeply wished to marry Picasso for the rest of h er life, eventually hanging herself several years after his death. The next works we will examine are examples of how Picasso’sRead MoreThe Sexuality Of Picasso And His Life1539 Words   |  7 Pageshe does with most women in his paintings. The split in her head makes her seem less human and more of an object that Picasso manipulates. Eventually, Picasso’s craving for sex further affected his personal life, as he found a new object of desire in Dora Maar, the next in his string of mistresses and wives. Marie-Therese Walter deeply wished to marry Picasso for the rest of her life, eventually hanging herself several years after his death. The next works we will examine are examples of how Picasso’sRead MoreThe Transference Across The Case Of Dora ( 1905 ) Essay1447 Words   |  6 PagesIn this essay we will firstly give a brief outline of what transference is. Then we will discuss the transference across the case of Dora (1905). Kahn (1991) claims that according to Freud, when entering therapy, a patient’s view of and reaction to their therapist is influenced by two tendencies. Firstly, the patient will view this relationship in the light of their earliest relationships, and secondly that they will try and incite replays of early difficult situations. Jacobs (2010) describesRead MoreWeeping Woman746 Words   |  3 PagesDiamond shaped tears are also the nails of her hands, held up to her face in fright. With a single image Picasso expresses a complex array of human anguish; terror, despair, outrage, hysteria, and death. The sad and dark eyed woman is Picassos lover Dora Maar, but the woman is also a symbol of a victim of war or a witness to the war in Spain spreading throughout Europe in 1937. Weeping Woman stands as a strong, iconic denouncement of the atrocities and inhumanity of modern warfare. The sharp anglesRead MoreThe Television and Computer are a Source of Instant Gratification1083 Words   |  5 Pagesabout (Guernsey 186). Games and toys need to be child-directed in order to be effective. This concept of engagement can be applied to different scenarios as well. Shows such as Dora the Explorer and Blue’s Clues are largely successful and still on the market due to the heavy participation they invoke from audiences (â€Å"What Dora the Explorer Can Teach Us About Engaging Young Minds†). This enables children to better learn what is being taught. Although screen time can be advantageous, the drawbacks broughtRead MorePortrait De Dora Maar Analysis732 Words   |  3 PagesIn Portrait de Dora Maar, Spanish painter and sculptor Pablo Picasso used oil on canvas and surrealist styles to represent his lover, Dora Maar. Picasso’s admiration of Maar is reflected in this art, using the colors of the world in her face, and showing her in a whole new light. In the year of 1937 in which this painting was created, was a very creative, yet troubling time in Picasso’s life. Portrait de Dora Marr portrays a young women important to Picasso at the time, accentuates a sharp contrast

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Business Model Concept for Sustainability-

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Model Concept for Ethics and Sustainability. Answer: Video presentation file The business model concept highlights a framework or guideline that shows how a business entity operates on a daily basis. The primary purpose is to present a precise overview of firm's principal activities and operations, financial details and how the activities interact to propel the business to the right so that it can accomplish its goals and objectives. The well-formulated business model will help an organization to be able to create value and distribute it optimally to the satisfaction of all involved stakeholders. The business model system when well utilized will result to innovative and creative ways of conducting business operations. From the findings gathered, business model should have e-business archetype. This will enable the organization to tap the online market which is growing rapidly. This archetype will also improve the sources of generating revenue which is one of the goals of many organizations. The business model should also be structured around the activities of the organization and that is the reason the model should have activity system that highlights the activities of the company. Cost and revenue architecture should also be given a lot of attention when making decisions concerning business model as it highlights avenues for generating revenue and minimizing cost. The business model can be used to solve static and dynamic problems facing many organizations. Due to inevitable change, the business context keeps on changing. This means that the model should be designed to accommodate future changes that face the organization. The change is due to technological development, competition, and rise in data volumes. Toyota company has been used to demonstrate how change is inevitable in organizations, the impact of change and what needs to be done when making decisions concerning business models in future. Essay on business model concept. The business model concept usually tries to explain how business organizes its activities so that it can operate efficiently to attain the set goals of the firm. The business model is a representation in the form of pictures or graphs to show important business activities and how they relate to each other, financial structures of the business and even key operations that bring competitive advantage (Fielt, 2013). The business model should be well analyzed before being developed because they a very important in showing how a company can create value and distribute it to the shareholders, manage change, competition and generate revenue. This essay is written to demonstrate how business model conceptualization can be used to promote innovation, value creation, combat change and solve dynamic and static problems. Understanding business models can help in creating value to many firms and even how to appropriate the value to the right parties. The business model system helps n identifying opportunities that a company can exploit. Using these opportunities enables the business to have new channels of creating value for the shareholders as the company can generate more revenue (Botha, Kourie, Snyman, 2014). The business model also helps in identifying the market segment to be targeted. This enables the firm to appropriate the created value to the right customers and this helps to create more customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The business model system also helps in identifying the right partner to engage in business activities with. Choosing the right partners with the needed capabilities will help the firm to generate more revenues from partnerships. The business model system will help in improving innovation process. By understanding the business model developed, managers and stakeholders involved in the decision-making process will be able to identify processes that can assist in producing unique products and services. The unique products will help to position the business in a higher position than its competitors (Chesbrough, 2010). Innovation will also help in coming up with innovative ways of producing the products and services. This will assist in reducing the cost of production. This in turn results to manufacturing cheap quality goods and services that will attract more customers and this helps in attracting more customers for the firm. The business model should have e-business archetype. E-Commerce enables a company to conduct its business electronically through the use of computers, mobile phones, and other internet-enabled electronic devices. A firm sells its products without having to physically meet the buyers (Zott Amit, 2010). In the recent past, e-business has led to increased market for many firms. Increasing use of internet services and even increased number of internet service providers can be credited for the birth of e-business. Reduction in costs of computing have also facilitated the growth of e-business. Reduction in online transaction fraud cases also has encouraged many people to turn to e-business and hence business models should ensure that put more focus in this type of archetype. The business model should be designed and developed as a system of activities of the firm. The effective business model system can only be attained if it only includes the activities that the business engages in. This enables the company to focus its resources on the right core activities that can translate to more value and revenue for the firm. The business model should have activity system content (Achtenhagen, Melin, Naldi, 2013). This helps in highlighting the activities that the firm engages in and helps the business to avoid deviating to less profitable activities. The model system should have activity system structure which shows how the activities interrelate to each other to bring the best efficiency. The activity system governance should not be left out as this helps to show the individuals responsible for performing the activities of the company. The business model should also have well-defined cost/revenue architecture. For effective business model, it should have well-defined guidelines that show how the firm generates income and even new ways of generating revenue. This architecture part of the business model should be able to identify the most profitable activities that the business can engage in (Carroll Buchholtz, 2014). This architecture should also be able to analyse cost-benefit of the operations of the business so that the business can stop engaging in operations that are associated with higher costs and fewer revenues. Through business model system the firm can identify strategies that can be employed to bring in more revenue to the company. Conceptualizing business model system has been backed as a way that can help to solve static and dynamic problems. Some of the problems solved to ensure the development of sustainable business include increased tax rate, reduced investments, low capital supply and low customer satisfaction. Business models help in analyzing dynamic problems in a way that can be understood by decision makers in many firms (Al-Debei Avison, 2010). This enables the business to figure out what needs to be done to effectively address the sustainability challenges facing many companies. The business model system should also be developed with the consideration that challenges facing a firm keeps on changing and hence it should be flexible enough to accommodate future solutions without having to create a new design of the business model each time the challenges change. The business model should also be based on the business context of the firm. Business context can be defined as the system, goals, objectives, employees, structures, strategies and technologies of business. Business contexts should be well coordinated to enable the business function efficiently (Storbacka et al., 2012). The notion that change in business is inevitable is true. As the business grows, change is expected because the strategies, goals, customers, and technology employed by the firm change to suit changing customers' preferences and perceptions. Technological advances are the main reason why the change in business is inevitable. To help prove that change is inevitable in business, Toyota Company will be used. Toyota firm initially used to manufacture and assemble manual vehicles. The phenomenon of technology integration, the necessity of reconfiguring the value chain and the rise of big data forced Toyota to change the way of carrying out activities. Due to technological advancements and rise of big data, automation of services was embraced by the firm. This enabled the business to start manufacturing and assembling automatic vehicles to compete efficiently and maintain its market share (Polites, Roberts Thatcher, 2012). The rise of big data also forced it to automate its services to fully analyze the data and offer the needed value to its customers. The change had a great impact on the business model of Toyota. By automating the services, Toyota was able to fully analyze the data and be able to offer what the customers needed. This, therefore, led to improved value creation. The enhanced value enabled them to create customer loyalty and satisfaction. The change also resulted in production of automatic vehicles. This allowed them to start producing unique vehicles. This made Toyota be able to maintain its business position at a higher position (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2014). When making a business model decision, managers should consider that change is inevitable and hence the model should be able to accommodate future changes that will affect the business. The model developed should enable the company compete effectively. Contingencies for dealing with future changes should also be incorporated in the business model by the decision makers. In conclusion, for future business model research, business model developers should put into considerations that change in business is inevitable. This developed model should ensure that it can deal with future changes and provide optimal solutions without having to redesign the business model as this move will be very costly leading to wastage of valuable resources. The developed model should also be able to solve static and dynamic issues affecting business operations, help in value creation and also to distribute the created value to the right stakeholders. References Achtenhagen, L., Melin, L., Naldi, L. (2013). Dynamics of business modelsstrategizing, critical capabilities and activities for sustained value creation. Long range planning, 46(6), 427-442. Al-Debei, M. M., Avison, D. (2010). Developing a unified framework of the business model concept. European Journal of Information Systems, 19(3), 359-376. Baden-Fuller, C., Morgan, M. S. (2010). Business models as models. Long range planning, 43(2), 156-171. Botha, A., Kourie, D., Snyman, R. (2014). Coping with continuous change in the business environment: Knowledge management and knowledge management technology. Elsevier. Burkhart, T., Krumeich, J., Werth, D., Loos, P. (2011). Analyzing the business model concepta comprehensive classification of literature. Carroll, A., Buchholtz, A. (2014). Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Nelson Education. Chesbrough, H. (2007). Business model innovation: it's not just about technology anymore. Strategy leadership, 35(6), 12-17. Fielt, E. (2013). Conceptualising business models: Definitions, frameworks and classifications. Journal of Business Models, 1(1), 85. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2014). Climate Change 2014Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: Regional Aspects.Cambridge University Press. Polites, G. L., Roberts, N., Thatcher, J. (2012). Conceptualizing models using multidimensional constructs: a review and guidelines for their use. European Journal of Information Systems, 21(1), 22-48. Storbacka, K., Frow, P., Nenonen, S., Payne, A. (2012). Designing business models for value co-creation. In Special IssueToward a Better Understanding of the Role of Value in Markets and Marketing (pp. 51-78). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Zott, C., Amit, R. (2010). Business model design: an activity system perspective. Long range planning, 43(2), 216-226.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Stress causes and effects

Psychology is one of the most dynamic studies in academia. Generally, psychology is concerned with the study of human behavior in the environment, factors that influence behavior change and other behavior determinants. Psychology involves research activities because it is concerned with finding out.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Stress: causes and effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are several research methods that are used in psychology to assist in the explanation of different behaviors among human beings. Research methods used in psychology use different methods of data collection, sampling and analysis process. Basically, the different techniques used determines the respective methods used in psychological research. There are different methods due to diverse needs in research. Furthermore, the methods used also depend on whether they are used to collect qualitative or quantitative data. There a re two major types of psychological research, for instance, qualitative and quantitative psychological research. However, these are further subdivided into correlational, descriptive and experimental research methods. This study report highlights the causes and effects of stress using qualitative psychological research method. Furthermore, the report discusses the research methods and their applicability in psychology. Psychology is a challenging field of study. This is due to the research methods used in the process of analyzing and finding solutions to the global psychological challenges and problems. Considering the analysis and study of the research methods, I decided to use the qualitative psychology research method. This is one of the commonly used research methods because it’s easy to understand and implement (Fossey, Harvey, McDermott, Davidson 2002). Furthermore, the methods used in the data collection and analysis are easy to learn hence increases the chances of dr awing reliable and realistic conclusions. Research is conducted in psychology to provide solutions to the social problems that can be solved psychologically. Before designing the research, I will have to fully understand the concepts used in qualitative psychology research method. Generally, qualitative research findings are naturalistic. This method enables researchers to understand behavior in a natural setup.Advertising Looking for report on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Qualitative psychology research uses data collection methods such as interviews and questionnaires among others. My main aim is to report on a study using qualitative psychology research, and I will use a questionnaire to collect data that I will use for analysis and determination of results thereafter (Nesbit Hadwin 2006). Stress is a state of instability mentally. This is one of the most common psychological challenges that several people f ace around the globe. There are different factors that are believed to cause stress and their effects on individuals. However, these factors differ based on the environment where individuals operate or conduct their daily activities (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelestein, 1983). Stress may affect an individual negatively, which will be discussed in this report. Methodology The research method that I have decided to use for the study is the qualitative research method in psychology. There are different methods of data collection used in qualitative research process. However, I will use a questionnaire to collect data that I will use in the study. Using questionnaires is advantageous because it enables a researcher to collect reliable information that can be used in analysis and drawing of realistic and reliable conclusions. I will design an open ended questionnaire based on the research topic, which is ‘what are the causes and effects of stress’ (Butler 2006). Generally, the que stionnaire will also have multiple choice questions. The multiple choice questions will test the ability of the respondents to determine the effects and causes of stress based on the presented information. On the other hand, open ended questions will be used to give the respondents the opportunity to provide extensive and detailed information on the causes and effects of stress, and their individual experience (Lincoln Guba 2003).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Stress: causes and effects specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The questionnaires will be distributed to individuals in different areas. The research will target students and professionals. This is aimed at analyzing the causes and effects of stress in a working environment and learning institutions. Questionnaires will be distributed to students from different learning institutions and individual professionals from different companies producing different goods and offering different services. The target groups are students and professionals because stress is common in learning institutions and working environments. Moreover, there are different causes and effects of stress on students and practicing professionals in different working environments (Leech Onwuegbuzie 2007). The questionnaires will enable me to determine the most common causes of stress among students. Furthermore, the questionnaire will enable me to determine causes of stress among working individuals and individuals despite their employment status. Furthermore, it will enable me to discuss and highlight the most common causes of stress and their effects on the development and execution of duties and responsibilities in the workplace and at the family level. The questionnaires will be distributed to students in three higher learning institutions around my school, and other institutions in different industries. In schools, the questionnaires will be distributed to st udents and staff. This will enable me to receive responses from students in different learning environments and professionals working under different conditions. Generally, this will enable me to collect diverse data, which will enable the presentation of reliable and realistic conclusions. 600 questionnaires will be supplied to cover for any responses that might not be received within the specified time for data collection. I intend to collect data within 30 days and targets 450 respondents. This is the sample size that I will use for my analysis (Fossey, Harvey, McDermott, Davidson 2002). Data analysis The questionnaire will be used in the analysis of data. The questions contained in the questionnaire addresses several the research questions. However, conclusions will be based on the responses received.Advertising Looking for report on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More After receiving the expected number of responses, I will summarize the responses on the questionnaires based on the area of data collection, for instance, per institution where the questionnaires were supplied and other companies or organizations from other industries. Thereafter, I will generalize the summary as per different categories, for instance, learners and practicing professionals. This will give me an easy time of presenting findings based on the views and preferences of students and practicing individuals. It will also enable me to determine the causes and effects of stress among students and individuals in the job market (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelestein 1983). Results Stress is a psychological problem that affects the normal operation of individuals. Individuals may be stressed due to several reasons irrespective of where they work, study or live. Stress is part of human life, which must be managed to promote quality living. It is perceived that employed individuals are pr one to stress that the unemployed individuals. However, after extensive research on the causes and effects of stress, I came to realize that any individual can be stressed due to different reasons. Although there are several causes of stress, there are five major causes that were pointed out as a cause of stress by most respondents. The most common causes of stress according to most respondents are workplace stress or tension, financial problems, health, personal relationships and irritants. Furthermore, most respondents reported that the effects of stress are mental instability, headache, lack of motivation and poor performance. According to the data obtained, 80% of employees perform poorly because of stress, while 70% of students are not able to accomplish their academic goals due to stress. Furthermore, 65% of stress among students is caused by financial strain, personal relationships, irritants and poor health. 73% of the respondents in the working environment are stressed due to financial problems, personal relationships, irritants, tension in the workplace and poor health status. Discussion Stress is a psychological challenge that can be caused by different factors in the global environment. Learners and working individuals may be stressed due to several reasons. It is believed that stress is caused by external factors and individual attitude and perceptions. Stress has compromised the quality of life because it leads to adverse health effects such as coronary heart attack and respiratory diseases among others. There are several causes of stress according to this study. However, there are five common or major causes of stress according to responses received (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelestein, 1983). Financial problems Individuals require money to acquire several products or goods. Furthermore, money is essential in accessing different services in the global environment. Money is a basic need because it is used in the acquisition of basic needs. Financial pr oblems such as debts and inability to acquire or afford basic needs may cause stress. This is a problem that working individuals and students face. Basically, employed individuals are expected to provide fullness to their families and ensure they are comfortable (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelestein 1983). This is not possible in case an individual is faced with need to cut down on expenditures due to the increasing cost of education, payment of credits and high cost of health services. This may also stress the family of the respective person, especially students because they might not be able to afford their basic needs in school due to limited funding support from their parents or guardians facing the same situation (Tennant, et al. 2007). Considering the number of respondents who identified financial problems as a cause of stress, it is true that financial problems or strain may be the major cause of stress among individuals. Workplace stress There are several factors that may cause str ess at the workplace. Workplace stress is also caused by tension due to several reasons, for instance, anticipation of promotion, retrenchment, demotion and termination of employment among others. Uncertainties in the workplace may lead to stress. Junior employees may also be stressed incase they are working under strict bosses or those who bully them among others. Change is part of business operation. Change introduction in an organization may affect individual employees positively or negatively. Employees are stressed in case an organization where they work plans to introduce changes that might cause them the position or lead to demotion. This has led to change resistance among employees in an organization. However, whether employees resist change or not, it must be implemented according to the strategies of the respective organization (Tennant, et al. 2007). This stresses several employees and affects their way of life. Organizations are divided into departments; individual depar tments are assigned specific objectives or goals that should be achieved within a specific time to aid in the achievements of the overall goals and objectives of the respective organization. Employees must be determined to achieve these goals because failure may render them incompetent, and lead to demotion or termination of employment. This leads to tension because most objectives have strict deadlines. Employees work to achieve the stated goals and any sign that shows inability to achieve the set goals and objectives within the stated deadline cause stress at the workplace (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelestein 1983). Personal relationships Personal relationships may also be a source of stress although it is a source of comfort. Personal relations include parents, children, relatives and spouses. Studies of children may cause stress to their parents because they have to provide finances despite the high cost of living and education. The number of children seeking education may also determ ine the intensity of stress. Sickness of a family member, spouse or relative may also cause stress because they require finances to access medical services (Tennant, et al. 2007). Furthermore, high dependence from relatives may also cause stress because individuals have to balance between the relatives’ needs and their family and personal needs, which require financing. Personal relationships may also cause stress to students due to instable relationships. Currently, several students are engaging in affairs, which might cause them stress due to the unstable nature of most relationships of students. Moreover, infidelity in the family or relationship may also cause stress in case an individual is not able to handle it or encourage his or her partner to be faithful (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelestein 1983). Health Health is a major concern for several people. Leading a healthy life requires finances, for instance, controlling hypertension, losing weight, maintaining good health or ga ining weight among others. Individuals are concerned with the status of their health because productiveness requires healthy living. An individual may not perform if his or her health is poor. Therefore, maintaining healthy lifestyles is a cause of stress to both working individuals and students (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelestein, 1983). Irritants Apart from the cases mentioned and discussed above, other causes are irritants that compromise daily activities. Factors that irritate individuals are commuting to work, balancing education and family life, balancing work and family responsibilities, discussing family challenges, parents meeting on children’s school and lack of relaxation time among others (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelestein, 1983). Effects of stress Stress affects individuals negatively. There are several effects of stress according to the study, for instance, poor health. Stress may lead to poor health because it may lead to contraction of diseases such as hypertension amo ng others. The poor health may affect performance of employees at the workplace hence lead to demotion or termination of employment. It may also hinder students from achieving their academic goals. Furthermore, stress may lead to instable families and relationships, which lead to breakups, fights and suicides among others (Cohen, Kamarck, Mermelestein, 1983). Conclusion Stress is a challenge that individuals face, but must continue living. The research has revealed that stress is caused by poor health, workplace stress, irritants, financial problems and personal relationships. Furthermore, stress may aggravate hypertension and other chronic diseases, lead to marriage or relationship breakups and fights. Stress can also lead to suicide and demotion or termination of employment due to poor performance in the workplace. List of References Butler, D. L 2006, Frames of Inquiry in Educational Psychology: Beyond quantitative-Qualitative Divide, Handbook of Educational Psychology, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 903-927. Cohen, S., Kamarck, T., Mermelestein, R 1983, A global Measure of Perceived stress, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, vol. 6 no. 5, pp. 386-396. 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