Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Canon Law & 8th Amendment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Canon Law & 8th Amendment - Essay Example Since the fourth century, the Roman Catholic Church has been developing regulations that have had some influence on secular (non-church-related) legal procedures. These regulations are called canons and are codified in the Code of Canon Law (in Latin, Codex juris canonici). Canon law has its origins in ancient church writings, decisions made by the general councils of local bishops, and rulings issued by the pope. An Italian law teacher, Gratian, organized these ideas in the mid-twelfth century. He sorted the collection into religious law, penal law, sacramental law, and other categories. Along with a set of decisions by the pope called Decretals of Gregory IX, Gratian's work formed the main body of canon law for nearly eight hundred years. In 1917, Pope Benedict XV recodified (revised) the canons. Pope John Paul II reissued the Code of Canon Law in 1983-authorizing increased participation of laity in the church, recognizing the needs of disabled people, and making other changes. A related text, the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, was reissued by the Holy See (the seat of papal government) in 1990. In the middle Ages, canon law was used in ecclesiastical (church) courts to decide many types of cases that in modern times are decided by civil courts, including criminal offenses. Crimes that were tried by the church included adultery, blasphemy, slander, heresy (opposition to official religious views), money lending, and gambling. -Of-faith cases concerning contracts, as well as inheritance and marriage-related cases. Criminal trial procedures in medieval church courts were the source of some features that found their way into common law. Although witnesses were considered the best source of proof of a crime under canon law, suspected offenders could also be tried because of public fame (suspicion in the community that they had committed a crime). An inquest made up of twelve men-a forerunner of royal courts' grand juries-said under oath whether public suspicion existed. If none did, then a judge had no authority to proceed. After establishing public fame, the court's next step was canonical purgation, in which the accused person swore an oath that she or he was innocent. Proof of innocence was accomplished by compurgation, in which several oath helpers would swear that they believed the oath was true. People who objected to the purgation of an accused person had the chance to prove their accusation of guilt. The use of canon law in governmental decisions is not well documented. In the early fifteenth century, commissions of the English Parliament made use of canonical procedures and canon law experts to decide issues involving laws of war, diplomacy, and other questions. For example, Parliament's justification for deposing King Richard II seems to have been based on papal bulls (decrees). In modern times, the creation, interpretation, and use of the canons closely resemble those of secular law. The Episcopal Conference of Local Bishops and the National Conference of Catholic Bishops are voting bodies that set policy for the church. When policy has been codified, it is used by judges in Catholic tribunals in determining whether certain practices or requests are acceptable according to the canons. (Catholic tribunals make up the Church's own court system, which interprets canonical policy to resolve questions of church practice.) Case law (previous

Monday, October 28, 2019

Punishment And Crime Essay Example for Free

Punishment And Crime Essay â€Å"An eye for an eye† The standards by which individuals and society subscribe to where being done wrong and seeking retribution, or in the general scope, where crime and punishment is concerned, can be summed up and approximated in the aforementioned line. Our view of justice, the resolution of a violation, and the prevention thereof doesnt stray far from the said concept either. While other countries, particularly those in the middle eastern region, tolerate and employ the said ideology in the literal sense, mutilating the arms and limbs of people caught guilty of thievery, for instance. In the much more civilized and developed nation that is our country however, the instance of Retribution, Deterrence, Rehabilitation, and Societal Protection exists as corresponding forms of punishment to violations against humanity and against societys prescribed laws. Its effectivity in terms of deterring crime, however, remains subjective.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The concept of retribution or retributive justice exists under the premise that people are, or should be dealt with a punishment which fits in proportion to their respective crimes. The concept of merit and desert are introduced as factors central to retributive justice (Maiese). The simplest explanation would be that if a person where to do good and work hard, his or her actions will be met with an equal amount of goodness, or reward. Conversely, a person who commits to doing the opposite, who breaks laws and violates aspects of humanity, are to receive a form of punishment equal to what they have inflicted. Where the instance of merit and desert is concerned, justice is defined by dealing a person the corresponding reward or punishment which he or she deserves based on the instance of good and bad, right and wrong courses of action which a person chooses to pursue.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Punishment in retributive justice constitutes the previously quoted line in the introduction of this paper, albeit not as literally; which, in the context of almost every justice system, and to put it quite crudely, people are to be treated in the same manner by which they choose to treat other individuals. This much is evident in the amount of community service, jailtime, and other forms of punishment which an offender is obliged to fulfill depending on the gravity of the crimes or offenses he or she has committed. Crimes and offenses which may range from driving without a license to armed robbery, rape, and perhaps even murder, will determine whether the offender in question will receive a simple reprimand, a ticket or a fine, a day in a jail cell, or be committed to minimum or maximum security, and to the most grave of offenses, receive capital punishment or death penalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The theory of deterrence on the other hand, departs from the seeming reasonable sensibilities afforded by the concept of retribution and runs under the idea that if a corresponding consequence or punishment of a crime outweighs the possible benefit or significance of committing it, the person who intends to commit the said crime may be deterred from pursuing it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Deterrence turns to the instance of heavier consequences to criminal acts and offenses as opposed to punishments proportionate to actions which have been committed, as a more effective way of preventing individuals from committing crimes. The theory of deterrence runs under the premise and assumption that every individual is conscious of his or her actions, that people are consciously aware of what constitutes good and evil and that peoples action, be it of deviance or conformity, subscribing to rules or breaking it, results from free will. Under the said assumptions, people who are inclined to break the law or commit to similar acts of violations are aware of the consequence and gravity of the situation. Knowing that the corresponding consequences will have a greater negative impact than the deviance and offenses they may choose to commit will advise them to do otherwise. In the instance that people are blamed or convicted for crimes and offenses they did not commit, punishments would appear greater than they already are. For most people, this appears to be the most effective way of deterring crime, but it also appears to be the least humane and insensible where offenders are concerned.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the subject of relatively humane methods of punishment, the concept of rehabilitation seems to effectively apply. A term which probably closesly identifies with drug abuse, excessive smoking, eating disorders, and other behavioral problems, the concept of rehabilitation applies to more than the said destructive behaviors and relates to a type of punishment which confines an individual to a place where he or she is unable to repeat offenses and untolerated acts which he or she has previously committed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rehabilitation turns to a less immediate and much lengthier process of punishing the criminal or offender in question. Doing time in prison cells and rehabilitation centers may appear the most tame and seemingly weak or ineffective forms of punishment, but the reality of incarceration, of being put away and shut out from the rest of society, and rotting away in a period of time which appear to span indefinitely, bears it own share of torment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The said form of punishment has the capacity to affect the offender in question on a psychological level, as he or she is forced to contemplate the nature of his or her actions and its consequences in the course of the said persons confinement and rehabilitation, at the end of which the individual in question is released and deemed fit to continue his or her life and start anew. Crimes are supposed to be deterred by keeping people away from society at large, who may choose to repeat the said crimes or influence others from doing the same.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Societal Protection concerns itself with the rights and needs of the society as a whole, as opposed to individuals which comprise it, and turning to forms of punishment such as the previously mentioned rehabilitation, among others, as a means of protecting and preserving roles, function, structures, and procesess within society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ultimately, society and individuals within it do what they can to ensure security, peace and stability from ensuing and taking hold. Not every form of punishment that has been discussed can be deemed rational and effective in every aspect, and they can vary in meaning and translation from one individual to the next. But as far as opinions apply, it exists as the least of surprises how certain forms of evil cant be countered and put off by other forms of evil. Retribution will not solve people and societys problems, and forms of punishment, however necessary, unfortunately only reflect societys capacity to inflict pain and suffering to people who may or may not truly deserve them. References   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Keel, Robert. â€Å"Rational Choice and Deterrence Theory.† 14 July 2005. Retrieved 18 January 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Maiese, Michelle. â€Å"Types of Justice.† July 2003. Retrieved 18 January 2008 from     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Maiese, Michelle. â€Å"Retributive Justice.† May 2004. Retrieved 18 January 2008 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Summerfield, Morgan. â€Å"Evolution of Deterrence Crime Theory.† 18 May 2006.   Retrieved   Ã‚   18 January 2008 from  Ã‚

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Having to Write with Whipped Cream :: Food Writing Nature Writers Essays

Having to Write with Whipped Cream Our assignment was to write twenty words without using any kind of writing utensil that we would normally use such as pencils, markers, etc. When Professor Krause first gave this assignment I thought to myself â€Å"is he insane? How are we going to do this?† The more and more I thought about it ideas kept popping up in my head. I tried to think about all the readings we had done in class, hoping that they would kind of guide me in the proper direction for this paper. Some did while others completely through me off track. Throughout this paper I will explain my technology that I invented and describe what some of the authors we read in class showed me throughout their pieces of work. I finally came up with the idea of using whipped cream to write my words. I came about this because I work at a day care center with three and four year old children. One day we were playing with shaving cream as a sensory activity for them and I thought this would be really good for my project. Shaving cream is very easy to write with and you would be able to read the lettering for the words I decided to use. When I went to the grocery store to purchase my shaving cream, I thought about it a little more and decided to use Ready Whip, a refrigerated cream product used mainly for desserts, because it has a smaller tube that the cream comes out of, so it would be a little easier to write with. When it came to what I was going to put the whipped cream on, that became a little tricky, because I didn’t want put it on a t-shirt or something like that because you wouldn’t be able to read it. I was at my parents home for the weekend. In our backyard we have individual medium size bricks so I figured this would work because I’d be able to fit at least one word on each brick. I was able to do this successfully, except that my dog kept trying to lick the whipped cream off the ground! This project made me realize how I take pens and pencils for granted because if something ever happened and we didn’t have them I think most people would be extremely lost without them.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Irish Nationalism

Irish Nationalism: The Fight for Self-Government Since the late twentieth century, Ireland has been subject to varying types of English rule. There has been much debate on the degree of English rule in Ireland, but the call for a united Ireland was very popular among many Irishmen. Nationalistic feelings in Ireland saw a steady growth in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century with many different movements looking to achieve Irish self-government. These nationalistic movements can be categorized into three groups: constitutional, revolutionary, and cultural nationalism.Whether by politics, violence, or education, Irish nationalistic groups each had their own ideas on how to achieve independence from English rule. Each group had its strengths, as well as its weaknesses that contributed to the overall success of the nationalistic movements. Constitutional nationalism, which encompassed nationalism through political forces, mainly involved the vision of Home Rule. Home Rule was the idea of having an Irish parliament to control domestic matters while Britain controlled external Irish affairs. The face for the Home Rule movement was Charles Stewart Parnell, a political leader and Irish landlord.Parnell is most commonly known as the founder and leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party. He turned the Home Rule movement into a major political force dominating legislation, and proving it to be a vast encompassing party by gaining the widest possible support. Parnell was deemed the â€Å"Uncrowned King of Ireland†, possessing enormous political skills leading him to be extremely successful in the field of practical politics. However, political scandals led his leadership to be called into question and put his whole political career on the line.Charles Parnell’s skills led him to many accomplishments in politics. Parnell was elected president of the Irish National Land League in 1879 which campaigned for land reform, including the reduction of tenants ' rents during a time of economic disaster. He not only raised an enormous amount of funding for famine relief during a trip to America, but Parnell also used his position as president to gain the support of tenant farmers in his fight for Home Rule. The support that came from the Land Movement and its mass appeal aided Parnell in bringing the Home Rule party under the wing of the movement.One of Parnell’s greatest accomplishments was the conversion of William Gladstone and the Liberals to Home Rule. During the election of 1885 the Conservative party used Parnell in order to gain an electoral advantage. This tactic succeeded giving them the majority of seats in Parliament and ultimately leading to the Liberals under Gladstone coming to power with Home Rule party. Although Parnell enjoyed great success as the leader of the Home Rule party and as a notable force in the fight for domestic Irish self-government, his weaknesses limited the extent to which his political skills coul d carry him.Parnell accomplished a great amount in the fight for Home Rule, but ultimately he failed to achieve it. The reason he was unsuccessful was due to his greatest weakness, the scandal with Katherine O’Shea. During the time Parnell was elected leader of the Irish Parliamentary Party he began a relationship with Katherine O’Shea, wife of Captain William O’Shea. His fall from power occurred when Captain O’Shea filed for a divorce naming Parnell as the guilty party. â€Å"It was therefore Captain O’Shea and the divorce case which brought down Parnell†[1].Although many leading politicians had known about Parnell and O’Shea’s affair for some time, it was when Parnell did not challenge Captain O’Shea’s allegations that shocked the public. This caused Parnell to be revealed as an adulterer and discredited him as a leader. Gladstone was forced to distance himself from Parnell due to the fact that the Liberals had no chance of winning the next election with ties to Parnell. Without the support of Gladstone, Home Rule was not a possibility. In the end, Parnell’s strengths were his greatest weaknesses.His pride and iron will kept him from contesting Captain O’Shea’s allegations allowing O’Shea’s side of the story to go unchallenged and ultimately leading to Parnell's fall from power. Constitutional nationalists such as Charles Parnell used politics in pursuing Irish self-government. The strength of this method is that it delivers concrete results. Although Parnell was not able to achieve Home Rule himself he was able to gain support for the party, leading the way for John Redmond to get the third Home Rule Bill passed by the House of Commons.Before this time, no success of this magnitude had ever been achieved in the fight for Irish independence. The weakness of constitutional nationalism is that it is a time consuming method. It took two initial Home Rule Bil ls to be rejected, the first of which being introduced in 1886, until the third was passed in 1914. Parnell dedicated his political career to the pursuit of Home Rule and was not able to see it passed before his death. Even when the third Home Rule Bill was passed, the process of it becoming a law was suspended pending the end of World War I.Constitutional nationalism is successful in that it delivers results in the fight for Irish self-government; however, the process is long and grueling. Revolutionary nationalism was a more forceful, rebellious method in pursuing Irish self-government. Revolutionary nationalists were not afraid to use violence including assassinations, bombings, and even uprisings. The most popular uprising in the struggle for Irish independence was the Easter Rising, which took place shortly after Britain’s entrance into World War I. The main group involved in this revolutionary nationalistic movement was the Irish Republican Brotherhood.The Irish Republi can Brotherhood, or I. R. B. , devised a rebellion to overthrow Britain’s government in Dublin following the time tested dictum that England’s difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity. While Britain had surely forgotten about Ireland and Home Rule, focusing its attention mainly on the war, the I. R. B. used it as an opportunity to rebel. Patrick Pearse, a key leader in the rising, chose Easter for the uprising for its biblical connotations of sacrifice and resurrection; he saw the rising as a ‘blood sacrifice’.The rebels hoped to take control of Dublin as well as initiate riots in order to start a revolt, in turn removing English rule. However, the rising was a military disaster. On top of many of the rebel’s plans being disrupted by the British, poor organization also led to an unsuccessful rebellion. Upon capture many of the rebels were condemned to execution including James Connolly, who was carried to a firing squad tied to a chair due to an i njury sustained during the rising.The nature of these executions led to anger among many Irishmen and turned the rebels into martyrs. The rising led to control of Irish politics shifting from the Irish Nationalist Party to the recently I. R. B. infiltrated Sinn Fein. This shift led the way for constitutional nationalists to push for a challenge to Britain’s control of Ireland. Revolutionary nationalists took a more direct approach in the fight for Irish self-government. Rebellions, such as the Easter Rising, sought to overthrow government in a revolution without political involvement.This approach is strong in that it is has been successful in the past, as seen by the American and French revolutionary wars. A revolutionary approach can shift power almost instantly rather than going through years of political negotiations. However, when unsuccessful, revolutions end in meaningless bloodshed. The Easter Rising at first seemed to be a failure, resulting in the deaths of many Iri shmen for no reason. Instead, Britain’s reaction resulted in the rebels becoming martyrs, and the British losing the hearts of the Irish people.Although the Easter Rising resulted in the deaths of many Irishmen, it also opened the door for constitutional nationalists to take control of parliament in the 1918 general election and for revolutionary nationalists to initiate the Anglo-Irish war. While constitutional nationalists focused on politics and revolutionary nationalists focused on rebellions, cultural nationalists focused on the revival of Gaelic culture and language. Just as constitutional and revolutionary nationalism was important in the fight for Irish self-government, so was cultural nationalism.It helped to foster a spirit of earnest nationality, invoking feelings of patriotism in young Irishmen. The Gaelic Athletic Association was established to do just this. Founded in 1884, the Gaelic Athletic Association aimed to establish an independent Irish organization dedi cated to promoting athletics as well as preserving Irish nationalism. The Gaelic Athletics Association not only encouraged education about Gaelic language and culture, but was also formed as an anti-British group closely associated with the Irish nationalistic cause.This association caused the GAA to get caught up in the troubled politics of the early twentieth century. In 1920 British soldiers interrupted a football match in Dublin firing shots into the crowd and onto the field killing fourteen people. This was a response to political violence that had occurred in Dublin earlier that day. This event came to be known as Bloody Sunday. However, the Gaelic Athletics Association was a non-violent one that was subject to the repercussions of being associated the nationalistic cause. The GAA is claimed to have been founded by the I. R.B. with the goal of getting Irish youth involved with an organization in order to form a physical power capable of pressuring the Home Rule party of the fu ture. Although the association had no violent or political intentions, it provided the depth that the Home Rule party needed in order to secure an independent, self-governing Ireland. Cultural nationalists were strong in that they united Irishmen in the fight for Irish nationalism. Cultural nationalists promoted camaraderie through athletics and focused on a revival of nationalistic feelings as well as Gaelic culture.They provided a unity of Irish people that was necessary to the success of a self-governing Ireland. However, cultural nationalists did not provide any concrete results in the pursuit of Irish independence. They brought together the Irish people but only to the extent that they were prepared to join a constitutional or revolutionary force. Nationalistic feelings were high in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Many nationalistic movements that existed sought to set up Irish self-government in one form or another.These movements were constitutional, revoluti onary, or cultural nationalistic groups. Each group possessed both strengths and weaknesses. Constitutional nationalists succeeded in political battles relating to domestic rule. However, their means were often time consuming and presented results that were not very certain. Revolutionary nationalists, on the other hand, were able to change the tides of the Anglo-Irish governmental struggle almost instantly. The bloodbath that resulted in their physical force, however, was the weakness of their methods.Finally, cultural nationalists were able to unite Irishmen in the fight for self-government promoting nationalistic feelings. Unfortunately, they provided no real means of progressing Irish nationalism in the fight for self-government. Constitutional nationalism had the most impact with the Home Rule party as well as the Dail Eireann (Assembly of Ireland) which helped to establish a treaty following the Anglo-Irish war in order to establish the Irish Free State. However, without the p hysical presence to back up the political force, Irish self-government would not have been possible.As Eamon de Valera stated, the way to Irish independence was â€Å"first battling England with votes, and if that failed, with rifles. †[2] All in all, each form of Irish nationalism contributed in some way to lead Ireland into a self-governing country. Bibliography [1] â€Å"PARNELL AND KITTY O'SHEA. † PARNELL AND KITTY O'SHEA. Web. 05 May 2012. . [2] â€Å"Troubled Ireland – Anglo-Irish War. † Troubled Ireland – Anglo-Irish War. Web. 05 May 2012. . [3] Hachey, Thomas E and McCaffrey, Lawrence J. The Irish Experience Since 1800: A Concise History. Armonk, N. Y: M. E. Sharpe, 2010. Print. ———————– [1] [1] [2] [2]

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mankind and Ethics Essay

Ethics has been a guiding principle for mankind. Ethical standards are being considered in every decision man makes. By following an ethical code, mankind knows that he is making the right decision because this ethical code ensures that there is fairness and no one will be deprived of his/her own rights. Mankind makes ethical considerations in many important decisions but there are still some major issues that arise when talking of ethical decisions. These are the issues that have ethical conflicts and man has been forever divided about these issues. Man has legislated laws that are based on human ethical values and almost all good laws have seemingly relied on this principle. One topic that has been the subject of much debate based on varying ethical considerations and existing laws is abortion. Some laws forbid abortion while others allow it because some countries may grant ethical considerations to mothers. Many ethical issues arise in abortion cases. There is a conflict between a right to life and a right of choice. The fetus inside the womb has a right to life, the right to be born into this world, while the mother has a right of choice whether she would want to continue with the pregnancy or not for some valid or invalid reason. Some choose to have abortion because of career choices or the inability to support a child. Others do not want to continue with the pregnancy which resulted from rape which may have various psychological effects (Cline). In some medical conditions, the life of both the mother and the fetus will be at risk and it would be necessary to choose who lives yet pro-life activists still argue that abortion should never be an option. This issue pits one moral principle against another moral principle but mankind has a way of dealing with this stuff. They turn to religion, but this is not always a reliable option since there are various contradicting interpretations of religious scriptures and that religion does not govern everyone. Every person has the right to choose his/her own religion and a person also has a right to be free from religion. Another similar issue is capital punishment. Many believe that the death penalty is an appropriate sentence for many heinous crimes. The criminal, having performed an act against certain moral principles, be it murder or rape, no matter how grave the crime or no matter how many people he killed, another killing is unethical and would not be unjustifiable since the existing laws prohibit killing. A wrong deed done will not correct a wrong deed done. More so, it violates a person’s right to life. Even if the criminal violated other people’s right to life, it would be unethical to kill someone on a justification that he killed others or just to get revenge. Cloning is yet another issue in which ethics plays a role. Scientists are studying therapeutic cloning for a chance to probably cure many existing incurable diseases. These scientists are only hoping to improve the life of mankind with better medical technology but many argue that experiments is playing god or is an act of killing since cloning deals with stem cells from human embryos. In these examples of controversial issues, many people have different beliefs but religion is a strong argument since many people follow a certain religion but the religious argument is not universal. These religious arguments support ethical principles. Human have different personal interest which is why there is a difference in beliefs regarding such topics. For some, abortion may be acceptable because they believe that the early stages of the fetus is not yet considered human but rather as a cluster of cells which is still a part of the female body. Others believe that life begins at the moment of conception, so the fetus is already has life. From these different perspectives, the topic becomes a huge debate based of varying ethical views (Cline). Capital punishment may have been implemented as a way to prevent people from committing brutal crimes. This is not taking a side of the issue but prison time would be a better way of serving sentences rather than death penalty because the right to life is very important and from an ethical perspective, even the rights of the accused and convicted should be respected. Humans are responsible for all their acts and the decisions that they make. Man should be guided by the code of ethics and not mislead them. Abortion, a controversial issue, is being allowed on a case-to-case basis. Abortion for medical purposes is allowed by some laws as well as abortion for pregnancies that resulted from sexual abuse. Generally, law does not allow abortion just for the sake of contraception. From this, it may be viewed that man, based on different circumstances, is responsible enough to see what is permissible under ethical standards. Likewise, very few states or countries allow for capital punishment which again connotes that man has a good understanding of the principle of right and wrong.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Louisa Adams, First Lady 1825 - 1829

Louisa Adams, First Lady 1825 - 1829 Known  for:  Only foreign-born First Lady Dates:  February 12, 1775 - May 15, 1852  Occupation: First Lady of the United States 1825 - 1829 Married to: John Quincy Adams Also known as: Louisa Catherine Johnson, Louisa Catherine Adams, Louise Johnson Adams About Louisa Adams Louisa Adams was born in London, England, making her the only US First Lady who was not born in America. Her father, a Maryland businessman whose brother signed the Bush Declaration of Support for Independence (1775), was the American consul in London; her mother, Catherine Nuth Johnson, was English. She studied in France and in England. Marriage She met American diplomat John Quincy Adams, son of American founder and future president John Adams,  in 1794. They were married on July 26, 1797, despite the disapproval of the grooms mother, Abigail Adams. Immediately after the marriage, Louisa Adams father became bankrupt. Motherhood and Move to America After several miscarriages, Louisa Adams bore her first child, George Washington Adams. At that time, John Quincy Adams was serving as Minister to Prussia. Three weeks later, the family returned to America, where John Quincy Adams practiced law and, in 1803, was elected a US Senator. Two more sons were born in Washington, DC. Russia In 1809, Louisa Adams and their youngest son accompanied John Quincy Adams to St. Petersburg, where he served as Minister to Russia, leaving their older two sons to be raised and educated by John Quincy Adams parents. A daughter was born in Russia, but died at about a year old. In all, Louisa Adams was pregnant fourteen times. She miscarried nine times and one child was stillborn. She later blamed her long absence for the early deaths of the two older sons. Louisa Adams took up writing to keep her mind off her grief. In 1814, John Quincy Adams was called away on a diplomatic mission and, the next year, Louisa and her youngest son traveled in winter from St. Petersburg to France a risky and, as it turned out, challenging journey of forty days. For two years, the Adams lived in England with their three sons. Public Service in Washington On returning to America, John Quincy Adams became Secretary of State and then, in 1824, President of the United States, with Louisa Adams making many social calls to help him get elected. Louisa Adams disliked the politics of Washington and was fairly quiet as a First Lady. Just before the end of her husbands term in office, their oldest son died, perhaps by his own hands. Later the next oldest son died, probably as a result of his alcoholism. From 1830 to 1848, John Quincy Adams served as a Congressman. He collapsed on the floor of the House of Representatives in 1848. A year later Louisa Adams suffered a stroke. She died in 1852 in Washington, DC, and was buried in Quincy, Massachusetts, with her husband and her in-laws, John and Abigail Adams. Memoirs She wrote two unpublished books about her own life, with details about life around her in Europe and Washington: Record of My Life in 1825, and The Adventures of a Nobody in 1840. Places:   London, England; Paris, France; Maryland; Russia; Washington, D.C.; Quincy, Massachusetts Honors: When Louisa Adams died, both houses of Congress adjourned for the day of her funeral. She was the first woman so honored.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to get a job without applying for it

How to get a job without applying for it What could be better than getting a new job with minimal effort on your part? Yes, it sounds impossible, but you can land a great new job without ever having to apply for it. Sure, the typical path to the next job in your career journey often requires some hard work and dedicated job hunting- searching out open positions that fit your skill set and requirements, leveraging your network to uncover opportunities, carefully crafting targeted cover letters and resumes, diligently completing applications and sending out emails, interviewing, following up, and waiting- and most of us have gone through this process several times. However, there is an alternate path, and it’s usually a much more direct and easier one to your next job. According to a recent Business Insider article, those who possess an array of valuable and marketable skills that their respective industries prize will have companies and recruiters seeking them out, regardless of whether or not they’re seeking a new job. It pays to at least be open minded when this happens: â€Å"In today’s economic environment, people with valuable skills in leadership roles are likely to be receiving more and more  calls from recruiters. You never know if the opportunity that will be presented will be more attractive than your current role. And, you can gain a boost of 15 percent or more in your compensation by being willing to make a change, likely far outpacing the raise you can expect in your current role.†It’s true- even if you’re not looking for a new job, with the right mix of experience and skills you just might be a passive job candidate- an attribute prized by recruiters- without even knowing it.According to  Business Insider,  recruiters seek out people who are open to new opportunities  but not actively seeking them. The logic is that if someone is a talented candidate and is currently unemployed or is actively seeking out a job while currently employed, the re might be some sort of issue. Of course, this isn’t always the case, but it’s an assumption recruiters can often make. On the other hand, even if there isn’t an issue, chances are that the well-qualified person is applying to many companies at once. Recruiters don’t want to waste time courting someone who can easily decide to take an offer from another company.However, if recruiters seek out candidates who aren’t actively looking, those risk elements disappear.It’s clear that being a passive candidate can open up a world of new professional opportunities to you. So how can you become one? Business Insider offers up some ideas about how you can do to help subtly set yourself up as a passive candidate in your field.Recognize and build key skills.The key to becoming a prized passive candidate is to possess the skills in your field that companies are eager to have on their teams. Learn what skills leaders in your industry possess and what comp anies are looking for, and then make sure your skill set fits the bill.Join appropriate professional organizations.Most professions have industry recognized associations and organizations, and it’s in your best interest to become a member of as many as possible. Not only will it help you build your network and provide an array of social opportunities, it can also get you on the radars of recruiters when they’re looking to source talent. Make an effort to get involved and attend events whenever possible.Don’t neglect social media.The truth is, many recruiters scour social media when on the hunt for passive candidates. They’re looking for industry leaders, mavericks, and disrupters whose social media pages reflect their passion, dedication, and accomplishments. If you want to be viewed as a viable passive candidate, make sure your social media brands you as a serious professional with plenty to offer potential employers.Join LinkedIn groups.Building on the two previous tips, make sure you take full advantage of professional groups on LinkedIn. It is among the most widely used sites by recruiters looking for passive candidates, and for many of them, their first stop just might be looking at members of professional groups in their respective fields. If you’re not using LinkedIn to its fullest potential, you just might be doing yourself and your career a disservice.   Keep your certifications, skills, and awards up to date.This advice is not only good for growth in your current job, it’ll help impress and attract recruiters. The more distinctions and honors you have under your belt, the more desirable you’ll be.Here’s the bottom line- if you want to have a future where potential jobs come looking for you, and not vice versa, you should work to set yourself up as a valuable passive candidate. Use the strategies and advice provided here and you’ll be on your way to making future job hunts much easier!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Be More Punctual for School

How to Be More Punctual for School Do you seem to be late for school a lot? Do people tease you about it? Do your grades suffer because of it? Does your tardiness annoy your teacher? Being on time is so important for academic success! Learn to improve your reputation and your chances for academic success with these tips for being right on time - all the time! Tips for Punctuality Rethink the meaning of on time. People who are always on time are really people who arrive early every dayand acknowledge that things can go wrong to set them back several minutes. When things do go wrong these students arrive on time!Understand the importance of being on time. Students who are always on time are the people who earn the best grades, win scholarships, and get into great colleges. In the working world, the people who are always on time are the people who get promotions.Get enough sleep. If you have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, then make a serious effort to get to bed earlier. Sufficient sleep is essential for maximum brain function anyway, so you really dont want to ignore this aspect of your scholastic habits.Give yourself a realistic amount of time to dress and groom. You can do this with a simple exercise: Get up early one morning and time yourself (moving at a normal pace) to see how long it takes you to get ready. You may be surprised at the time it takes, especially if you find you have been trying to squeeze forty minutes worth of grooming into fifteen minutes each morning. You can try creating a time management clock. Know exactly when you need to be at your destination and subtract ten or fifteen minutes to establish your arrival time. This will give you time to go to the restroom or chat with friends. What time are you expected to be seated in your homeroom or your first class? If your class begins at 7:45, you should arrive at the school by 7:30 and be in your seat at 7:40.Be open to your teachers preferences. Does your teacher want you to be seated early? If your teacher wants you to be in class before the bell rings, then do so if its possible - even if you dont agree. Dont get angry and blame others if you arent meeting the teachers expectations. Why cause trouble for yourself?Communicate any problems. If your bus is always late or you have to take your little brother to school and it always makes you late, just explain this to your teacher.Listen to traffic news. If you depend on public transportation to get to school, always keep an eye on schedule interruptions.Have a backup plan for you r transportation. If you normally ride to school with a friend, think ahead and plan what to do if your friend gets sick. Set your clocks forward by ten minutes. This is a dirty little psychological trick that many people play on themselves. The funny thing is, it really works!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ethics in Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethics in Business - Assignment Example Discussion A utilitarian approach holds that the morally right course of action is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms in any situation for everyone affected. Utilitarianism aims at producing benefits regardless of whether they were arrived at by lies, coercion or manipulation. This approach argues that; individuals ought to do whatever produces more total happiness than doing anything else would. This means that the morally right action is the one that will most likely maximize utility. ‘The highest good is the good will.’ This is the Kantian approach argument which states that to act from a good will is to act from duty. An action is made good by the intentions behind it rather than the consequences. Motives of self-interest cannot contaminate truly moral actions since an action is truly moral only if it is morally motivated. The major assumption of this approach is that actions that enhance the bottom line are acts of self-interest (this is well illustrated from Hugo’s case). Aristotle and other Greek philosophers came up with the Justice/ Fairness Approach to ethics which states that; ‘equals should be treated equally and un equals unequally’. ... The seven step decision making model is useful in making better decisions. Every decision making model applied begin with identifying the problem that requires a decision making process to be established. The seven step decision making model, developed by Rick Roberts, is detail oriented and it is preferred to have as much knowledge as possible concerning the decision. Hugo, an assistant brand manager for a floor cleaning system, has for a long time been disturbed by the marketing practices in the company that promulgate the physical attractiveness phenomenon. From Hugo’s case, there are various ethical issues that require a decision making process be established and the possible courses of action undertaken. The ethical issues that this case presents are clear. Identifying these ethical issues being the first step of the decision making process, this case is a clear indication of favouritism and discrimination according to the justice approach to decision making. The marketin g practices used in this case promulgate the physical attractiveness phenomenon. Appearance of the company’s products is being depicted through physical attractiveness to serve as an informational cue from which extensive information of the products is inferred. This triggers assumptions causing powerful effects that are beneficial for individuals whose appearance is higher in physical attractiveness and detrimental for individuals whose appearance is lower in physical attractiveness. According to the utilitarian approach, this course of action produces maximum benefits for the company at large. This case continues to argue that it is financially advantageous to use physically

Friday, October 18, 2019

Criminology Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminology - Annotated Bibliography Example This document is part of the FBI’s UCRs (Uniform Crime Reports), whose aim is to provide data on the crimes taking place throughout the United States on an annual basis. The UCRs are produced every year and provides information at both the local and national levels. They track the occurrences of eight specific criminal activities together with the frequencies and locations of each crime. The FBI then gathers the data that is provided from the law enforcement agencies of each state across the nation. This information is crucial to students studying criminology as it provides them with the necessary data for their research. This document provides all the information about records that are in the possession of the FBI, including how to access records that have already been released. It also gives information on how one can request the records that have not been released through the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and the Privacy Act. One can also get other information that can assist in understanding the records and how the FBI works. This information can be of great help to students studying criminology as it provides them with the necessary data for their research and help them to know how the FBI works in case they plan to join the agency. This article explores women’s fear of sexual assault and rape that has been empirically and theoretically linked to their fear of other crime types. The author explores in detail this fear, particularly paying attention to female college students who are mostly at risk of such crimes. This article performs some research on the issue and forms a conclusion that the fear of rape and sexual assault by women has some impact on their fear of other crimes that are not related to sex. This article will definitely be useful to university students studying criminology as well as the female students wishing to prevent rape. This article

Health Administarion Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Administarion - Case Study Example The state of the health care system has made it necessary to develop measures that will be used to monitor and revise quality program implementation so as to ensure patients receive equal medical attention as well as quality and affordable medical services. The Agency of Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) in collaboration with Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) have been given a mandate by the U. S. Congress to come up with measures that will be used to improve health care quality (Ransom et. al, 2008). Various measures have been developed which are grouped into aspects of patient safety, patient centeredness, effectiveness as well as timeliness. An important measure involves the use of combination of ratings and reports to determine the experiences of patients regarding the important dimensions of patient care, overall satisfaction with the services they received as well as the importance of each of the element in relation to satisfaction of patient needs. More objective measures are also used to describe levels of quality of services from patients’ perspectives. Regulation and accreditation standards exist to ensure hospitals provide high quality and competent health care. Facility accreditation processes ensure hospitals demonstrate capacities that are in accordance with national health accreditation standards developed for health care centers. Health care centers have to undergo accreditation review for them to qualify to provide health care services to patients. Regulations and accreditation standards ensure that health care providers make informed choices and conform to the outlined legislation that governs privacy and confidentiality of patient information (Ransom et. al, 2008). Barriers may be faced in measurement of health care quality. Many operations are carried out in health care facilities and this leads to development of a complex nature of the health care therefore making measurement of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Risk Management - Essay Example Often, an infrastructural construction project involves a number of phases before final completion and transfer to the contract awarding authority. The phases include the appraisal phase, the design phase, the construction phase, and the operation phase. Although there are some cross-cutting risks across the phases, some are unique to each phase and hence it’s often important to independently review the risks in each phase. This paper addresses the risks likely to be encountered in each phase of an infrastructure construction project. However, before doing this, it is important to highlight the key steps involved in risk control process including risk identification, risk management, and risk response. Risk identification Risk identification involves determination of the risks are likely to impact on the project as well as documentation of the characteristics associated with the risks identified. This is not a one-time environment, rather it should be performed regularly and m ore especially through the whole project cycle. This is due to the fact that risks themselves are dynamic and change with time. Risk identification must be able to address internal as well as external risks. Internal risks are often within the projects control and as such can be eliminated or minimized through internal mechanisms. On the other hand, external risks are often beyond the project’s influence. Generally, there are a whole range of tools which can be utilized in risk identification including brainstorming, interviews, feedback from past projects, specialists use, and workshops, among others. Risk management This is a part as crucial as the risk identification itself. Often failures at this point can cost the organization lots of money and time. Risk management involves determination of the appropriate control tools as well as the appropriate responses towards dealing with the emerging or risks or their impact whenever they occur. Risk management involves risk quant ification where there is an evaluation of risks as well as the risk’s interactions as a means of assessing range of possible project outcomes. This is mainly aimed at determination of the risk events which warrant response. The process is often complicated due to a number of factors although not limited to how opportunities as well as threats can interact in unpredictable ways or a single risk event which constitutes multiple effects. Often it goes beyond simple mathematical expressions in order to attain precision and reliability. Risk response Determination of Appropriate Risk response techniques is crucial to successful control of the risks. A combination of management techniques are often employed in evaluation of the best methods suited the risk faced by infrastructure projects. These include risk reduction, retention of risk, and transfer of risk (Richardson, 2010, p. 23). Identifying appropriate risk management techniques therefore requires assessing of the interaction effects touching on a range of factors including safety, construction procedures and operations, financial decisions and strategic decision making. Risk reduction takes a two dimensional perspective. This includes reducing the likelihood or frequency of events occurrence and reduction of the consequences that an event is expected to have in case it takes place (Richardson, 2010). Risk transfer

MIH543 - Perspectives on Abuse Violence Module 5 - Case Essay

MIH543 - Perspectives on Abuse Violence Module 5 - Case - Essay Example Ethnic cleansing and genocide are frequently used interchangeably in a wrong sense. In reality, both of them are different terms and there is profound difference between the two. This is because, while genocide is an attempt to exterminate a minority, ethnic cleansing is a method to expel the minority. Thus, genocide is a type of ethnic cleansing. Genocide may be defined as any act that is aimed at systematic expulsion of a particular group of individuals from their homes either through threat or by force (Naimark, 2001). Infact, genocide is considered as an element of war crime and is considered a crime against humanity. Genocide is against the law and has a juridicial status. The term has specific definitions and has a meaning even in international law. People who are involved in genocide and get convicted like general Radoslav Krstic who was convicted for geneocide, later on appeal was convicted only for accomplice of genocide ("Prosecutor v. Krstic":56). A classic example of geno cide is the mass murder of about 7500 Bosnian muslims at Srebrenica. Thus ethnic cleaning and genocide occupy positions which are adjacent in the spectrum of violence against religions, countries and minorities. In some situations, ethnic cleansing is referred to as "forced deportation" or "population transfer". The means used to achieve this can be legal or semilegal. hence it can be said that genocide is the most extreme form of ethnic cleansing and as Michael Mann put it, it can be called as â€Å"murderous ethnic cleansing† (Mann, 2005:11). As such forced deportation occurs mainly during times of war or aggression and people seldom leave their homes during peace time. This is because each and every individual is attached to their land which their fore fathers cultivated and lived in. In my opinion, both ethnic cleansing and genocide are the same, both are inhuman and against the law. Both can have devastating

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Risk Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Risk Management - Essay Example Often, an infrastructural construction project involves a number of phases before final completion and transfer to the contract awarding authority. The phases include the appraisal phase, the design phase, the construction phase, and the operation phase. Although there are some cross-cutting risks across the phases, some are unique to each phase and hence it’s often important to independently review the risks in each phase. This paper addresses the risks likely to be encountered in each phase of an infrastructure construction project. However, before doing this, it is important to highlight the key steps involved in risk control process including risk identification, risk management, and risk response. Risk identification Risk identification involves determination of the risks are likely to impact on the project as well as documentation of the characteristics associated with the risks identified. This is not a one-time environment, rather it should be performed regularly and m ore especially through the whole project cycle. This is due to the fact that risks themselves are dynamic and change with time. Risk identification must be able to address internal as well as external risks. Internal risks are often within the projects control and as such can be eliminated or minimized through internal mechanisms. On the other hand, external risks are often beyond the project’s influence. Generally, there are a whole range of tools which can be utilized in risk identification including brainstorming, interviews, feedback from past projects, specialists use, and workshops, among others. Risk management This is a part as crucial as the risk identification itself. Often failures at this point can cost the organization lots of money and time. Risk management involves determination of the appropriate control tools as well as the appropriate responses towards dealing with the emerging or risks or their impact whenever they occur. Risk management involves risk quant ification where there is an evaluation of risks as well as the risk’s interactions as a means of assessing range of possible project outcomes. This is mainly aimed at determination of the risk events which warrant response. The process is often complicated due to a number of factors although not limited to how opportunities as well as threats can interact in unpredictable ways or a single risk event which constitutes multiple effects. Often it goes beyond simple mathematical expressions in order to attain precision and reliability. Risk response Determination of Appropriate Risk response techniques is crucial to successful control of the risks. A combination of management techniques are often employed in evaluation of the best methods suited the risk faced by infrastructure projects. These include risk reduction, retention of risk, and transfer of risk (Richardson, 2010, p. 23). Identifying appropriate risk management techniques therefore requires assessing of the interaction effects touching on a range of factors including safety, construction procedures and operations, financial decisions and strategic decision making. Risk reduction takes a two dimensional perspective. This includes reducing the likelihood or frequency of events occurrence and reduction of the consequences that an event is expected to have in case it takes place (Richardson, 2010). Risk transfer

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Crisis Management and Multimedia Technology in London Underground Line Essay

Crisis Management and Multimedia Technology in London Underground Line Control Rooms - Essay Example The focus is on the coordination between the two to ensure that there is smooth operation of the Underground rail services. Modernization of the Bakerloo Line Control Room is to ensure that all activities related to the rail service can be done from one location for efficiency purpose and to ensure passengers get better services. The paper discusses cooperative work in workplaces in the world of technology. Introduction In modern business World technology has been embraced to bring about a revolution touching on all aspects related to the workplaces. Communication has been enhanced and it’s possible to easily communicate with clients who are miles away in seconds. Technology inventions started in the1850s when telegraphy was invented. There came the invention of telephone, fax machines after that among others which have really made an impact on business today. Technological developments are as a result of integration of inventions in computer designs, computer networks and aud io visual communication systems. The technology revolution in the business world took place slowly but today it’s almost impossible to do business without technology. Modern technology comes in terms of tele conferencing and wireless communication making business flexible and efficient. New technologies come with new opportunities and services with employees telecommunicating easily at workplaces (Heath and Luff 1992b, 327). Today we have complex computer networks, phone systems and fax machines with the aim of surviving in business .Technologies offer investors the chance to stay in business by improving their business activities and performances over time. Computer hardware and software giants are making millions of dollars every day through sales and advancement of technology related hardware and softwares.A good example is CISCO systems that have a big workforce which cost the company more than $270 million annually. This is a sign of growth in sales of electronics which are crucial in running a business today. 2. Literature review Technology offers the chance and opportunities to transact business globally without having to be physical in doing it.This can be done through the internet, calls and meetings are being conducted via video conferencing technique. Its however unrealistic to think that these scientific inventions are always without failures. According to Galegher and Kraut ignoring the usual things about social interactions in groups and organizations is the main cause of systems failures. They believe that social scientists are key to making essential contribution in designing of complex systems to enhance cooperative work (Betta 2012, n.p). 3. Methodological considerations There has to be considerations on technological systems being used in respective workplaces all over the world. The success or failure of these systems depends entirely on the social organizations ability to coordinate as they go about their daily tasks and utilization of tools available. This coordination’s are derived as a result of understanding each other’s strengths and abilities with a sole goal of producing desirable conduct at work. Social organizations refer to the integration of the workforce with an aim of achieving positive results in regard to collection of activities and tasks in an organization. It cannot be assumed that both the tasks and activities take place within a defined cultural framework and social

Monday, October 14, 2019

José Rizals University Years Essay Example for Free

Josà © Rizals University Years Essay Fortunately, Rizal’s first romance, with its bitter disillusionment,did not adversely affect his studies in the University of Santo Tomas.His love for higher education proved to be greater than his love for apretty girl. After finishing the first year of the course in Philosophy andLetters (1877-780), he transferred to a medical course. During theyear of his studies in the university, which was under the Dominicans,rival education of the Jusuits, he remained loyal to Ateneo, where hecontinued to participate in extra curricular activities and where hecompleted the education course in surveying. As a Thomasian, he wonmore literary laurels, had more romances with girls, and foughtagainst Spanish students. Mother’s position to higher education. After graduation withthe highest position in Ateneo, Rizal had to go the University of Santo Tomas in order to prepare him self to a private career. The Bachelor of arts degree during Spanish times was equivalent to a high schooldiploma today. It merely qualified its holder to enter a university. BothDon Francisco and Paciano that Jose should pursue a higher learning.But Dona Teodora did not want him to study more. Evidently she had apremonition that to much knowledge would imperil his child life.In a family council in the Rizal’s home in Calamba, shevigorously objected to have her beloved Jose acquired a highereducation. She was thinking of the safety of her son. She know thefate of Filipino intellectuals-Father Burgos, Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor,Jose Ma. Basa, and others of 1872-who were either executed or exiledby the Spanish authorities, and blamed their sad fate to their learning.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Key Consumer Behavior Issue Marketing Essay

Key Consumer Behavior Issue Marketing Essay The brief overview of the article is about Jet Star as Australian low cost airlines that going to spend more budget in social media marketing instead of using high price conventional way. Jet Star is facing an issue in how to compete with other airlines company and whether Jet Star can be success in changing consumer attitude toward its new plan in advertising. This becomes the key issue in consumer behavior raised by the reporting. An explanation of how the article relates to consumer behavior theory So basically this article is relevant to be selected since it is related with theory of consumer nature of attitudes and also changing the cognitive component of attitudes through the way Jet Star advertise in social media. The first theory is about the nature of attitudes. While on the attitude there were two components which are cognition and emotion. Cognition is about beliefs of attitude, while emotion is about consumer feeling to an entity. Also there is hierarchy of effects exists that relates consumer emotion, thought, and behavior together with marketing communication. The first one is standard learning hierarchy (learn-feel-do); the next is the low-involvement hierarchy (learn-do-feel) and finally is the experiential hierarchy (feel-do-learn). (Solomon, Russel-Bennet, and Previte, 2010). Based on that theory, Jet Star is applying the standard learning hierarchy. This is similar to process where consumer attitudes are being constructed. Consumer sees their preference in decision making as a problem solving process. The first step is they collecting the knowledge about the product, in this case is airline ticket, about the price and the differences among other airlines and in feeling stage, consu mer evaluate whether the price is suitable for them and finally consumer begin to realize the decision by real action in choosing to buy the Jet Star ticket flight. It seems that from this hierarchy, consumer tends to be bonded with the product instead of buying other product. This hierarchy makes consumer to have high involvement by discovering any knowledge of the product and then come out with a conclusion. (Solomon, Russel-Bennet, and Previte, 2010). Again based on Solomon, Russel-Bennet, and Previte (2010), the aim of marketer in attitude change is to make consumer go through their product, or go in opposition to competitors product. There are two ways in changing consumer attitudes, by changing the cognitive component of learn and by changing the emotional component of feel. In changing cognitive component of attitudes, marketer can use any message that constructing the argument, drawing conclusion, or use comparative advertising. While on the other hand to change emotional component of attitudes, marketer can use any feeling such as humor or fear to change consumer attitudes. Apparently in this case based on the nature and consumer relationship with the product, Jet Star is using changing the cognitive component of attitudes to influence the attitude of its potential consumer. The way they choose is constructing the argument in which Jet Star try to argue and persuade the consumer about the advantage of them by choosing Jet St ar as flying partner. So basically in this case, Jet Star wants to change the attitude instead of consumer feeling through this kind of social advertisement. There are two kind of measuring argument, the first one is supportive argument, and the other is refutational argument (Lecture slide, 2010). Using Twitter and YouTube as well, Jet star is presenting all of positive characteristics that they can offer in their service. It always does promotion in twitter and show how great they are on their service in the flight and mainly what they sell is their super cheap price. However, Jet Star can be considered as having refutational argument as well when the negative issues is raised and then solve it. This case appear from twitter, in which Jet Star is being asked by people or potential consumer who followed Jet Stars account about negative thing, such as complaining, and then effectively, Jet star could solve the problem directly to the consumer. Implications for marketing or advertising in the category, or industry, or sector discussed by The article In order to compete and win the consumer with the new plan in advertising, Jet Star should stick with their plan to invest more in social media and online advertising. This is based on evidence that from previous year in 2009 where they had try to launch the advertisement in social media, the result came into a huge success as the cost of doing advertisement in conventional media is became more costly and fragmented. Moreover, with the usage of social media, Jet Star could minimize the cost of using conventional media and get higher ability in reaching the consumer. Using social media as tool for reaching consumer, could makes Jet Star to reach hundred from thousand prospective consumer, just with one uncomplicated online message. (Reed Group, 2010). Hopefully consumer is required to change their attitudes in choosing a service from Airline Company, and in order to do this, the consumer needs to adapt with this kind of advertising in social media. Only little adaptation that they needed, as this kind of new way in advertising is now part of consumers social daily life. In conclusion, using YouTube which is open video sharing site as medium for advertising representation of the future (Incisive Media, 2010) and twitter that has many users out there and searches on trending topics are to be anticipated place for mass advertise ads (Bernoff, 2010), will make Jet Star to successfully change consumer attitude from using another airlines into using Jet Star flight service. In addition if people using twitter and have to go through direct link into Jet Stars main page, they will come up to website that have predicate as the fastest homepage load time of Australian airlines website (Marketing Mag, 2009). Furthermore, in the future Jet St ar could change consumer attitude in getting information about their service from conventional way, into adapting up to date information of service offered to consumers social daily life. And the reason of their future success is based on the fact that they will shift 40% of their marketing budget into social media that had been proved before, in which this idea is getting phenomenal responses (Incisive Media, 2010). Main article Reed group, 2010, JETSTAR to shift 40% of spends online, viewed 15th April 2010, . Secondary article Bernoff,J., why you should advertise on twitter, viewed 15th April 2010, . Incisive Media Investments Limited, 2010, YouTube hailed as advertising medium of the future, viewed 15th April 2010, . Marketing Mag, 2009, Tiger and Jetstar big winners online, viewed 15th April 2010, . Solomon, M. R., Russell-Bennett, R., Previte, J, 2010,  Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having, Being. Prentice Hall/Pearson Education, Australia. Lecture slide, 2010, Consumer behavior; attitudes and attitude change, University of Queensland Attitude and Attitudes Change Benno Arsanto 41953734 Faculty of economic, University of Queensland

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Underlying Messages in Everything That Rises Must Converge and Good Cou

Underlying Messages in Everything That Rises Must Converge and Good Country People      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Flannery O'Connor's "Everything That Rises Must Converge" and "Good Country People" have extremely complex story lines. What makes these stories so involved is how the characters relate to others. Discovering who the characters in the stories are and what they represent becomes the reader's purpose and goal. In order to truly understand her stories the reader must look deeper than the surface. The underlying messages must be searched for as a person looking for hidden treasure.         Ã‚  Ã‚   In the first story the character Julian is the key to unlocking the meaning behind the story. Julian has gone to college and has developed his mind. Because of this he views himself as superior to those around him, especially his mother. The mother, although given to prejudices, has a kind heart. This seems to be the main difference between these two characters. Julian puts more stock in how educated a person is and the importance of having a well-developed mind. He sees his mother as lost in the past. He says to her, "You haven't the foggiest idea where you stand now or who you are" (1081). Her sky-blue eyes are described as "innocent and untouched by experience as they must have been when she was ten" (1080). Although Julian's mother is proud of his education, she knows a heart full of love is more important than a head full of empty knowledge. He believes that it is foolish to let feelings get in the way of facts. He believes that he is "unafraid to face f acts" (1085). Is he really though? He has cut himself emotionally free from his mother and from society in general; but is he completely objective? According to Way... ...hey had been educated, they saw the rest of the world as inferior. In reality they were blind to the real world. Their education only made it harder for them to see what was going on around them. In both cases it took something drastic and terrible in order for them to break out of the fetters of education that were holding them captive.       Works Cited    Booth, Wayne C. "A Rhetorical Reading of O'Connor's 'Everything That Rises Must Converge.'" The Story and Its Writer. 5th ed. Ed. Ann Charters. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999. 1634-37.    O'Connor, Flannery. "Everything That Rises Must Converge." The Story and Its Writer. 5th ed. Ed. Ann Charters. Boston: Bedford/St Martin's, 1999. 1080-91.    ---. "Good Country People." The Story and Its Writer. 5th ed. Ed. Ann Charters. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999. 1091-1105.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Criminal Law Paper Essay

Maryland v. King, 569 U.S., on June 3, 2013 the United States Supreme Court ruled that it is not a violation of the fourth amendment right by having your DNA swabbed while being booked into a detention facility. And that a simple swab on the inner cheek was no different than taking a photo or being finger printed during the booking process. This case came to be after an individual was arrested and booked for assault and during the booking process the individual had the inner cheek swabbed as part of the booking process as part of Maryland DNA Collection Act (Maryland Act). After this individual DNA was processed per the Maryland Act, the DNA matched that of an unsolved rape from years earlier. Because of the match DNA, this individual argued that his fourth amendment right was violated. What interested me about this case was the taking of the DNA during the booking process. I have always thought that giving a DNA sample was something that was voluntarily given, rather than being forc ed. Or if there was a court order to obtain one’s DNA. I know that many states across the country have been creating laws regarding the collection of DNA from individuals who are involved in the criminal justice system. Some states collect DNA during the booking process, while other states only collect when you are a repeat offender. However, I understand that deterring crime and criminals is the main goal behind these laws and agree that taking this step will cause for individual criminals to think twice before they live a lifestyle of crime. I believe these laws allow for some sort of closure for victims of crimes and feel that justice was done in regards to the Maryland v. King Supreme Court ruling. Criminal liability is something that is needed to prove that the individual being accused is guilty of a crime. Therefore, to ensure that a person is criminally liable the court system needs to prove that the individual did commit the crime being accused of and that the individual  being accused had the criminal mindset to commit the cri me. Accomplice liability is when the court finds an individual criminally liable for crimes that were committed by a different person. If an individual participates, helps, or plays any role when another individual is committing a crime. This individual may be charged as a accomplice to the crime. Because of the nature of the Supreme Court case that I selected neither criminal liability nor accomplice liability pertained to this case. This case was about an individual who’s past caught up with him, after thinking that he got away with rape. During this case the individual never denied guilt for the rape but argued his rights were violated by the state law, which I feel was used as a tactic to get out of the sentences that was imposed by the court. The elements of a crime are the facts that need to be proven in order to find the accused guilty of a crime. Before an individual is found guilty of a crime, the prosecution must show the This evidence must be credible and sufficient eno ugh to prove without a doubt that the accused did in fact commit a crime and that each of the elements of the crime exists. There are three major elements of crime that are considered during this process. Mens Rae is when the mental elements of the accused are looked at as it relates to the intent of committing a crime. The defendant’s state of mind during the crime can be used to prove or disapprove the intent of the crime. Actus Reus is a criminal act or an unlawful confession of an act. Basically an individual who is accused must profess their guilt of committing a crime. An individual cannot be found guilty of thinking of committing a crime. Concurrence is the combination of Mens Rae and Actus Reus when they happen at the same time. The criminal intent must go alongside the criminal act, or be connected some way to the crime. Actus Reus and Mens Rae do not directly relate to the case that I selected. It is my opinion that occurrence is the best fit for my case. In my opinion for an individual to commit a crime of rape intent is always present and the individual who is accused never denied the c harges against him, but rather that his fourth amendment right had been violated. References: Supreme Court of the United States, Maryland v. King June 3, 2013 retrieved August 10, 2014 from Freeman, C.G. (2013). Supreme court cases of interest. Criminal Justice, 28(1), 46-49. Retrieved August 10, 2014 from

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Asl: Going Deaf for a Day Essay

Going deaf was a different experience for me. It was the most difficult challenge I’ve ever done. It completely sucked that I couldn’t use most of my electronics. I couldn’t use my phone to call my mom but I was able to text her. I couldn’t listen to music which was the worst because I have to listen to music when I’m working out, cooking or doing work for school. But being deaf wasn’t all that bad. One of the best things of being deaf was not listening to my mom complain! My mom couldn’t get mad me because she knew I couldn’t hear anything. It was also very peaceful around the house for me. I don’t have to listen to loud vehicles that come down my street, neighbors dog barking and my neighbor’s loud spanish music. There some things that I did have to adjust to my daily life. I usually have to call my younger sister to tell her that the food is done or clean her room, but my sister never hears me so I have physically grab her attention. Instead I used a bell to call her or throw a ball at her to get her attention. Also I usually watch my anime shows but since I can’t hear anything, I watched it with subtitles without sound. People usually responded to me screaming at me but they forgot that was going death for a day. My mom had throw something at me to get my attention and my sister would grab me if she needed anything. Or they would write their questions on paper but most of the time I would read their lips There were few difficult things that I went through. When I have no internet, I couldn’t watch my anime or other shows. I had to put my phone on vibrate and always to have it with me. There wasn’t much difficulties besides these but everything else was easy. I’m Khmer/Laotian and it was hard for me to understand my grandparents since they don’t speak english. I learned that without hearing, it’s hard to communicate with other people and family. Without language, it’s hard to understand somebody’s culture. ‘

Almost One of the Gods. “The Odyssey”, by Homer Essay

An epic hero is one who does not act irrationally and contemplates his actions and their implications. Odysseus, of Homer’s The Odyssey, is an appropriate epic hero because he embodies the values of bravery, intelligence, astuteness, and competency. Numerous examples are found throughout The Odyssey. Such illustrations include Odysseus’ conflict with the Cyclops, the Sirens, and Scylla and Charybdis. First, Odysseus proves that he is a mortal laudable of being dubbed an epic hero during his conflict with the Cyclops. Odysseus shows evidence of his intellectual abilities by first devising a plan to disable the Cyclops and then by cleverly telling the Cyclops that his name is â€Å"Noman.† Odysseus exemplifies his physical strength by putting his plan into action and ramming a monstrous spear into the Cyclops’ eye. Later, when the Cyclops calls for help, he says that Noman is doing harm to him. Another event in which Odysseus displays his physical and intellectual abilities is during his passing of the Sirens. Odysseus shows that he has wisdom by listening to the goddess Circe’s advice and putting wax into his crew’s ears so they will not take notice of the Sirens and try to swim across the ocean to them. He also has his crew lash him to the mast so he can listen to the Sirens without being able to jump out of the boat. This incident also tells of Odysseus’ physical force because when he attempts to free himself from the mast the crewmen have to fasten him down even tighter. Finally, Odysseus confirms his great intellectual aptitudes by getting past Scylla and Charybdis. Odysseus, following Circe’s instructions, avoids Charybdis, and chooses the side of the six-headed monster, Scylla. Odysseus recognizes that the six-headed beast is too large for him to mà ªlà ©e with and rows very swiftly, successfully surpassing it. In conclusion, Odysseus is a perfect example of an epic hero. Odysseus has all of the traits of an epic hero. He has verified these qualities in many intricate situations in which he always gets out of and is always prepared for.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Women in Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Women in Medicine - Essay Example Those hazards vary from one environment to another, depending on the type of hazard expected in a particular place. Some of the factors include the potential occupants, type of anticipated hazard, availability of first aid kits, and proximity to a medical facility to cater for the injured women. Proper analysis and reviewing of such factors, which determine healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments, will help determine the intervention mechanism to be used. For instance, medical officers must consider the potential occupants of given environments to facilitate the planning process. Failure to understand the occupants means that the healthcare experts might not receive any considerable change in scope due to the increasing number of injuries, which such people are likely to incur in the workplace (More 108). The other important factor is the type of hazard expected in particular environment. ... 1.2 How to Monitor and maintain Health and Safety in the Work Setting and how People are made Aware of Risks and Hazards and Encouraged to Work Safely. In monitoring and maintaining health and safety, a high standard of hygiene must be constantly checked and maintained. The care takers must ensure that the women are living under good hygienic conditions and practices, such as toileting, eating and playing in safe environments. The toilets, kitchen, dining place and playing ground must be always kept very clean and safe for the women to use. In addition, people in the work setting are made aware of risks and hazards, as well as are encouraged to work safely by training them on the ways to keep the environment clean and healthy. Equipping them with the first aid kits and knowledge to enable them swiftly respond to emergencies, accidents and incidents. In order to make people aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely, they must be kept informed about the potential environ mental threats. In addition, the workers should have food hygiene certificate to certify their ability to maintain the high standards of cleanliness. This would ensure that they work safely (Markward and Yegidis 91). 1.3 CSSIW, Welfare Requirement, Early Years Foundation Stage The sources of current guidance for planning health and safe environments and services, which are in accordance with the guidelines set by the CSSIW include the following. The Women’s Act, The Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974, The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, and The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (Pringle 201). The

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Pepsio's Ethical And Socially Responsibility Essay

Pepsio's Ethical And Socially Responsibility - Essay Example In today’s business environment, the practices adopted by PepsiCo provide an insight into how to involve key stakeholders in defining organizational priorities. The modern 21st century has the high focus on corporate social responsibility whereby commercial, profit oriented organizations are required to share their profits with the communities they serve. The concept is promoted as paying back to the society which is the major profit generating origin for commercial organizations. The contemporary response to corporate social responsibility obligations and initiatives has been quite negative when money spent on these activities was included in the cost budget with no identified revenue or profit contribution. Organizations like PepsiCo changed this perception and marked corporate social responsibility as an investment whose return is provided in terms of customer loyalty, employee loyalty, better corporate image and increased market penetration. The literature is rich in expla ining the benefits achieved through these factors and industry has uncountable evidence for them.Apart from conventional corporate social responsibility practices like spending on environmental cleanliness, waste reduction, recycling, donation for education, health and welfare of the deprived sector of society, PepsiCo included its business goal in its corporate social responsibility agenda. As mentioned in the case, it wants food and beverages to be available to consumers with convenience and affordability.